Class RFidHelper


public class RFidHelper extends Object
The RFIDHelper class is for interacting with an RFID scanner.
  • Constructor Summary

    RFidHelper( config, int reset, com.pi4j.context.Context pi4jContext)
    The RFidHelper constructor WITH the reset pin as a parameter.
    RFidHelper( config, com.pi4j.context.Context pi4jContext)
    The RFidHelper constructor WITHOUT the reset pin as a parameter.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    When called, this method waits for any RFID card/fob to be scanned.
    Resets the RFID scanner.
    Writes data to an RFID fob.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • RFidHelper

      public RFidHelper( config, int reset, com.pi4j.context.Context pi4jContext)
      The RFidHelper constructor WITH the reset pin as a parameter.
      config - A Pi4J SPIConfig object which holds the SPI address and SPI Baud rate for RFID scanner.
      reset - Defines the reset pin for the RFID scanner.
      pi4jContext - The Pi4J context object.
    • RFidHelper

      public RFidHelper( config, com.pi4j.context.Context pi4jContext)
      The RFidHelper constructor WITHOUT the reset pin as a parameter.
      config - A Pi4J SPIConfig object which holds the SPI address and SPI Baud rate for RFID scanner.
      pi4jContext - The Pi4J context object.
  • Method Details

    • writeToCard

      public void writeToCard(Object data)
      Writes data to an RFID fob. This is the data that is returned when the fob is scanned by the scanner.
      data - Data to be written to an RFID fob. Typically, a string identifying the holder of the fob such as an identification number.
    • readFromCard

      public Object readFromCard()
      When called, this method waits for any RFID card/fob to be scanned. The data from the card is returned.
      The data read from the card/fob.
    • resetScanner

      public void resetScanner()
      Resets the RFID scanner.