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actBuzzCheck - Variable in class com.opensourcewithslu.outputdevices.ActiveBuzzerHelper
To check if the buzzer is active or not
ActiveBuzzerHelper - Class in com.opensourcewithslu.outputdevices
The ActiveBuzzerHelper class contains methods that pertain to the control of the active buzzer.
ActiveBuzzerHelper(Pwm) - Constructor for class com.opensourcewithslu.outputdevices.ActiveBuzzerHelper
BuzzerHelper constructor
activeBuzzerOff() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.outputdevices.ActiveBuzzerHelper
Turns the active buzzer off.
activeBuzzerOn() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.outputdevices.ActiveBuzzerHelper
Turns the active buzzer on by setting the duty cycle is 100 and frequency to 440hz.
addEventListener(DigitalStateChangeListener) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices.MicroSwitchHelper
Adds an event listener to the micro switch.
addEventListener(DigitalStateChangeListener) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices.PhotoResistorHelper
Adds an event listener to the Photo Resistor.
addEventListener(DigitalStateChangeListener) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices.PIRSensorHelper
Adds an event listener to the PIR sensor.
addEventListener(DigitalStateChangeListener) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices.PushButtonHelper
Adds an EventListener to the PushButton.
addEventListener(DigitalStateChangeListener) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices.SlideSwitchHelper
Adds an EvenListener to the slide switch.
addEventListener(DigitalStateChangeListener) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices.TiltSwitchHelper
Adds an event listener to the tilt switch.
addEventListener(DigitalStateChangeListener) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices.TouchSwitchHelper
Adds an event listener to the touch switch.
Application - Class in com.opensourcewithslu
Runs the Micronaut framework in the Pi4Micronaut framework.
Application() - Constructor for class com.opensourcewithslu.Application
This is the default constructor for the Application class.


beep() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.outputdevices.ActiveBuzzerHelper
Beep powers on, plays a single tone from the active buzzer for 2 seconds then powers down.
blink(int) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.outputdevices.LEDHelper


clearDisplay() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.outputdevices.LCD1602Helper
Clears the display of text.
clearLine(int) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.outputdevices.LCD1602Helper
Clears the text of the specified line.
com.opensourcewithslu - package com.opensourcewithslu
com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices - package com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices
com.opensourcewithslu.outputdevices - package com.opensourcewithslu.outputdevices
com.opensourcewithslu.utilities - package com.opensourcewithslu.utilities
com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.MultiPinConfigs - package com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.MultiPinConfigs
createDigitalInput(DigitalInputConfiguration, Context) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.Pi4JFactory
Creates a DigitalInput object for digital input components.
createDigitalOutput(DigitalOutputConfiguration, Context) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.Pi4JFactory
Creates a DigitalOutput object for digital output components.
createI2C(i2cConfiguration, Context) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.Pi4JFactory
Creates an I2CConfigBuilder Object for components that are I2C.
createPi4jContext() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.Pi4JFactory
This creates the Pi4J Context that is used to create all the beans for the individual components.
createPwm(PwmConfiguration, Context) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.Pi4JFactory
Creates a PWM object for components that are pwm.
createSpi(SpiConfiguration, Context) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.Pi4JFactory
Creates an SpiConfigBuilder object for components that are SPI.


DigitalInputConfiguration - Class in com.opensourcewithslu.utilities
This class handles the configuration of a digital input component.
DigitalInputConfiguration(String) - Constructor for class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.DigitalInputConfiguration
Constructor for the DigitalInputConfiguration.
DigitalInputMultiPinConfiguration - Class in com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.MultiPinConfigs
This class handles the configuration of a digital input component that has multiple pins.
DigitalInputMultiPinConfiguration(String) - Constructor for class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.MultiPinConfigs.DigitalInputMultiPinConfiguration
The DigitalInputMultiPinConfiguration constructor.
DigitalOutputConfiguration - Class in com.opensourcewithslu.utilities
This class handles the configuration of a digital output component.
DigitalOutputConfiguration(String) - Constructor for class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.DigitalOutputConfiguration
The DigitalOutputConfiguration constructor.
disable() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.outputdevices.ServoMotorHelper
Disables the servo motor, effectively stopping any ongoing PWM signal.
displayTextAtPos(String, int, int) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.outputdevices.LCD1602Helper
Displays text at a specific line and position.


enable() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.outputdevices.ServoMotorHelper
Enables the servo motor by setting an initial duty cycle and frequency.


getAddress() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.DigitalInputConfiguration
Gets the pin address for the component.
getAddress() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.DigitalOutputConfiguration
Gets the pin address for the component.
getAddress() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.PwmConfiguration
Gets the pin address for the component.
getAddresses() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.MultiPinConfigs.DigitalInputMultiPinConfiguration
Gets the pin addresses for the component.
getAddresses() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.MultiPinConfigs.PwmMultiPinConfiguration
Gets the pin address for the component.
getBaud() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.SpiConfiguration
Gets the baud rate for the component.
getBus() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.i2cConfiguration
Gets the bus pin for the component.
getChannel() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.SpiConfiguration
Gets the channel for the component.
getComponents() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.MultiPinConfiguration
Gets the components that are part of the overall component.
getDark() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices.PhotoResistorHelper
Returns the current value of the darknessValue variable.
getDebounce() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.DigitalInputConfiguration
Gets the current debounce value for the component.
getDebounces() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.MultiPinConfigs.DigitalInputMultiPinConfiguration
Gets the current debounce values for the component.
getDevice() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.i2cConfiguration
Gets the device
getDistanceInCentimeter() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices.UltraSonicSensorHelper
Returns the distance in centimeters.
getDistanceInMeters() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices.UltraSonicSensorHelper
Returns the distance in meters.
getEncoderValue() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices.RotaryEncoderHelper
Gets the value of the rotary encoder.
getFrequency() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.outputdevices.PassiveBuzzerHelper
Logs the passiveBuzzerFreq to the console
getId() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.DigitalInputConfiguration
Gets the id of the component.
getId() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.DigitalOutputConfiguration
Gets the id of the component.
getId() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.i2cConfiguration
Gets the id of the component.
getId() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.MultiPinConfigs.DigitalInputMultiPinConfiguration
Gets the id of the component.
getId() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.MultiPinConfigs.PwmMultiPinConfiguration
Gets the id of the component.
getId() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.MultiPinConfiguration
Gets the id of the component.
getId() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.PwmConfiguration
Gets the id of the component.
getId() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.SpiConfiguration
Gets the id of the component.
getInitial() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.DigitalOutputConfiguration
Gets the initial state of the component.
getInitial() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.PwmConfiguration
Gets the initial state that the component is in when first initialized.
getInitials() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.MultiPinConfigs.PwmMultiPinConfiguration
Gets the initial states that the component is in when first initialized.
getMode() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.SpiConfiguration
Gets the SPI mode for the component.
getName() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.DigitalInputConfiguration
Gets the name of the component.
getName() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.DigitalOutputConfiguration
Gets the name of the component.
getName() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.i2cConfiguration
Gets the name of the component.
getName() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.MultiPinConfigs.DigitalInputMultiPinConfiguration
Gets the name of the component.
getName() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.MultiPinConfigs.PwmMultiPinConfiguration
Gets the name of the component.
getName() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.PwmConfiguration
Gets the name of the component.
getName() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.SpiConfiguration
Gets the name of the component.
getProvider() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.DigitalInputConfiguration
Gets the provider for the component.
getProvider() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.DigitalOutputConfiguration
Gets the provider for the component.
getProvider() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.MultiPinConfigs.DigitalInputMultiPinConfiguration
Gets the provider for the component.
getProvider() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.MultiPinConfigs.PwmMultiPinConfiguration
Gets the provider for the component.
getProvider() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.PwmConfiguration
Gets the provider for the component.
getPull() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.DigitalInputConfiguration
Gets the pull resistance for the component.
getPulls() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.MultiPinConfigs.DigitalInputMultiPinConfiguration
Gets the pull resistance for the component.
getPwmType() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.PwmConfiguration
Gets the pwm type of the component.
getPwmTypes() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.MultiPinConfigs.PwmMultiPinConfiguration
Gets the PWM types of the component.
getShutdown() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.DigitalOutputConfiguration
Gets the shutdown state of the component.
getShutdown() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.PwmConfiguration
Gets the shutdown state for the component.
getShutdowns() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.MultiPinConfigs.PwmMultiPinConfiguration
Gets the shutdown states for the component.


i2cConfiguration - Class in com.opensourcewithslu.utilities
This class handles the configuration of an I2C components.
i2cConfiguration(String) - Constructor for class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.i2cConfiguration
The i2cConfiguration constructor.
initialize() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices.MicroSwitchHelper
Initializes the listener that keeps track of if the micro switch has been pressed or not.
initialize() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices.PhotoResistorHelper
Initializes the Photo Resistor and calls the updateDarkness function for every half second.
initialize() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices.PIRSensorHelper
Initializes the listener that keeps track of if the PIR sensor detects motion or not.
initialize() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices.PushButtonHelper
Initializes the PushButton.
initialize() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices.RotaryEncoderHelper
Initializes the listener that keeps track of the rotary encoder's position.
initialize() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices.SlideSwitchHelper
Initializes the listener that keeps track of whether the slide switch is high/low.
initialize() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices.UltraSonicSensorHelper
Initializes the Ultrasonic Sensor
intermittentTone() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.outputdevices.ActiveBuzzerHelper
Intermittent tone will play a tone for a 20 seconds duration.
isDark - Variable in class com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices.PhotoResistorHelper
To check if it is Dark.
isMoving - Variable in class com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices.PIRSensorHelper
Shows if the PIR sensor detects movement or not.
isOn - Variable in class com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices.SlideSwitchHelper
Shows if the slide switch is on.
isPressed - Variable in class com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices.MicroSwitchHelper
Shows if the micro switch has been pressed.
isPressed - Variable in class com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices.PushButtonHelper
Determines if the button is pressed.
isTilted - Variable in class com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices.TiltSwitchHelper
Boolean variable that is true if the tilt switch is being tilted and false otherwise.
isTouched - Variable in class com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices.TouchSwitchHelper
Shows if the touch switch has been touched.


LCD1602Helper - Class in com.opensourcewithslu.outputdevices
This helper class, LCD1602Helper, is for controlling and interacting with an I2C LCD1602 display.
LCD1602Helper(I2CConfig, Context) - Constructor for class com.opensourcewithslu.outputdevices.LCD1602Helper
The LCD1602Helper constructor.
LEDHelper - Class in com.opensourcewithslu.outputdevices
The class LEDHelper contains methods that pertain to the control of a LED.
LEDHelper(DigitalOutput) - Constructor for class com.opensourcewithslu.outputdevices.LEDHelper
LEGHelper constructor.
ledOff() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.outputdevices.LEDHelper
Turns off the LED by setting the DigitalOutput object to low.
ledOff() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.outputdevices.RGBLEDHelper
Turns off the RGB LED.
ledOn() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.outputdevices.LEDHelper
Turns on the LED by setting the DigitalOutput object to high.
ledOn() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.outputdevices.RGBLEDHelper
Turns on the RGB LED with default RGB values of 100,100,100 and frequencies of 200 Hertz.


main(String[]) - Static method in class com.opensourcewithslu.Application
The main entry point of the application.
MicroSwitchHelper - Class in com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices
The MicroSwitchHelper class is used to initialize a micro switch.
MicroSwitchHelper(DigitalInput) - Constructor for class com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices.MicroSwitchHelper
MicroSwitchHelper constructor.
morseCodeTone() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.outputdevices.ActiveBuzzerHelper
Uses the active buzzer on and off function to beep the word pi in morse code.
MultiPinConfiguration - Class in com.opensourcewithslu.utilities
Class for configuring multiPin components.
MultiPinConfiguration(String, Object[]) - Constructor for class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.MultiPinConfiguration
The MultiPinConfiguration constructor.
multiPinInput(DigitalInputMultiPinConfiguration, Context) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.Pi4JMultiPinFactory
Creates a MultiPinConfiguration object for a multi pin digital input component.
multiPinPwm(PwmMultiPinConfiguration, Context) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.Pi4JMultiPinFactory
Creates a MultiPinConfiguration object for a multi pin pwm component.


passBuzzDC - Variable in class com.opensourcewithslu.outputdevices.PassiveBuzzerHelper
passBuzzDC is a protected integer variable that defines the duty cycle.
passiveBuzzerFreq - Variable in class com.opensourcewithslu.outputdevices.PassiveBuzzerHelper
passiveBuzzerFreq is a protected integer variable that defines the default frequency for the buzzer.
PassiveBuzzerHelper - Class in com.opensourcewithslu.outputdevices
The PassiveBuzzerHelper class contains methods that pertain to the control of the passive buzzer.
PassiveBuzzerHelper(Pwm) - Constructor for class com.opensourcewithslu.outputdevices.PassiveBuzzerHelper
The PassiveBuzzerHelper constructor.
passiveBuzzerOff() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.outputdevices.PassiveBuzzerHelper
Disables the passive buzzer.
passiveBuzzerOn(int, int) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.outputdevices.PassiveBuzzerHelper
Sets the passive buzzer to the desired duty cycle and frequency.
passiveBuzzTone() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.outputdevices.PassiveBuzzerHelper
passiveBuzzTone emits a 1 - second buzz to ensure functionality
PhotoResistorHelper - Class in com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices
The PhotoResistorHelper class is used to work with the functionalities of a Photo Resistor.
PhotoResistorHelper(DigitalInput, DigitalOutput) - Constructor for class com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices.PhotoResistorHelper
TouchSwitchHelper constructor.
Pi4JFactory - Class in com.opensourcewithslu.utilities
The Pi4JFactory class is responsible for creating all the beans for components that are being used.
Pi4JFactory() - Constructor for class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.Pi4JFactory
Default constructor for Pi4JFactory.
Pi4JMultiPinFactory - Class in com.opensourcewithslu.utilities
The Pi4JMultiPinFactory class is responsible for creating all the beans for all multi pin components that are being used.
Pi4JMultiPinFactory() - Constructor for class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.Pi4JMultiPinFactory
Default constructor for Pi4JMultiPinFactory.
PIRSensorHelper - Class in com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices
The PIRSensorHelper class is used to initialize a PIR motion sensor.
PIRSensorHelper(DigitalInput) - Constructor for class com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices.PIRSensorHelper
PIRSensorHelper constructor
piToneSequence() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.outputdevices.PassiveBuzzerHelper
Tone sequence cycles through array's containing the frequencies of the first then digits of pi.
PushButtonHelper - Class in com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices
The PushButtonHelper class is used to create a listener that determines when a 4 pin button is pressed.
PushButtonHelper(DigitalInput) - Constructor for class com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices.PushButtonHelper
The PushButtonHelper constructor.
PwmConfiguration - Class in com.opensourcewithslu.utilities
The PwmConfiguration class handles the configuration of a pwm component.
PwmConfiguration(String) - Constructor for class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.PwmConfiguration
PwmConfiguration constructor.
PwmMultiPinConfiguration - Class in com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.MultiPinConfigs
This class handles the configuration of a PWM device that has multiple pins.
PwmMultiPinConfiguration(String) - Constructor for class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.MultiPinConfigs.PwmMultiPinConfiguration
The PwmMultiPinConfiguration constructor.


readFromCard() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices.RFidHelper
When called, this method waits for any RFID card/fob to be scanned.
removeEventListener() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices.MicroSwitchHelper
Removes the event listener from the micro switch.
removeEventListener() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices.PhotoResistorHelper
Removes the event listener from the Photo Resistor.
removeEventListener() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices.PIRSensorHelper
Removes the event listener from the PIR sensor.
removeEventListener() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices.TiltSwitchHelper
Removes the event listener from the tilt switch.
removeEventListener() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices.TouchSwitchHelper
Removes the event listener from the touch switch.
removeEventListener(DigitalStateChangeListener) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices.PushButtonHelper
Removes an EvenListener from the button.
removeEventListener(DigitalStateChangeListener) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices.SlideSwitchHelper
Removes the EventListener from the slide switch.
resetScanner() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices.RFidHelper
Resets the RFID scanner.
RFidHelper - Class in com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices
The RFIDHelper class is for interacting with an RFID scanner.
RFidHelper(SpiConfig, int, Context) - Constructor for class com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices.RFidHelper
The RFidHelper constructor WITH the reset pin as a parameter.
RFidHelper(SpiConfig, Context) - Constructor for class com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices.RFidHelper
The RFidHelper constructor WITHOUT the reset pin as a parameter.
RGBLEDHelper - Class in com.opensourcewithslu.outputdevices
The RBGLEDHelper class handles all interactions with a RGB LED.
RGBLEDHelper(MultiPinConfiguration) - Constructor for class com.opensourcewithslu.outputdevices.RGBLEDHelper
The RGBLEDHelper constructor.
RotaryEncoderHelper - Class in com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices
The RotaryEncoderHelper class initializes a rotary encoder component and returns the value of the encoder when called upon.
RotaryEncoderHelper(MultiPinConfiguration) - Constructor for class com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices.RotaryEncoderHelper
The RotaryEncoderHelper constructor.


ServoMotorHelper - Class in com.opensourcewithslu.outputdevices
Helper class to control a servo motor using PWM (Pulse Width Modulation).
ServoMotorHelper(Pwm) - Constructor for class com.opensourcewithslu.outputdevices.ServoMotorHelper
Constructs a new ServoMotorHelper.
setAddress(int) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.DigitalInputConfiguration
Sets the pin address.
setAddress(int) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.DigitalOutputConfiguration
Sets the pin address.
setAddress(int) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.PwmConfiguration
Sets a new pin address for the component.
setAddresses(String) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.MultiPinConfigs.DigitalInputMultiPinConfiguration
Sets the pin addresses for the component.
setAddresses(String) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.MultiPinConfigs.PwmMultiPinConfiguration
Sets the pin addresses for the component.
setAngle(int) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.outputdevices.ServoMotorHelper
Sets the servo motor to a specific angle.
setBackLight(boolean) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.outputdevices.LCD1602Helper
Setting the backlight state of the LCD based off the boolean input.
setBaud(int) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.SpiConfiguration
Sets the baud rate for the component.
setBlue(int) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.outputdevices.RGBLEDHelper
Sets the blue value of the LED.
setBlue(int, int) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.outputdevices.RGBLEDHelper
Sets the blue value and frequency of the LED.
setBus(int) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.i2cConfiguration
Sets the bus pin
setChannel(int) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.SpiConfiguration
Sets a new channel for the component.
setColor(int[]) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.outputdevices.RGBLEDHelper
Sets the color of the LED based of inputted RGB values.
setColor(int[], int[]) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.outputdevices.RGBLEDHelper
Sets the color of the LED using the array of RGB values and an array of frequencies.
setColorHex(String) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.outputdevices.RGBLEDHelper
Setting the color of the LED using a hexadecimal value.
setColorHex(String, int[]) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.outputdevices.RGBLEDHelper
Setting the color of the LED using a hexadecimal value and an array of frequencies.
setDarknessThreshold(int) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices.PhotoResistorHelper
To set a threshold for Photo Resistor.
setDebounce(Long) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.DigitalInputConfiguration
Sets debounce of the component.
setDebounces(String) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.MultiPinConfigs.DigitalInputMultiPinConfiguration
Sets the debounces for the component.
setDevice(int) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.i2cConfiguration
Sets the device
setFrequencies(File) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.outputdevices.PassiveBuzzerHelper
Allows users to pipe in a text file of frequencies separated by commas to play on the passive buzzer.
setGreen(int) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.outputdevices.RGBLEDHelper
Sets the green value of the LED.
setGreen(int, int) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.outputdevices.RGBLEDHelper
Sets the green value and frequency of the LED.
setInitial(int) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.PwmConfiguration
Sets the initial state that the component will be in when first initialized.
setInitial(DigitalState) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.DigitalOutputConfiguration
Sets the initial state for the component.
setInitials(String) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.MultiPinConfigs.PwmMultiPinConfiguration
Sets the initial states for the component.
setMode(SpiMode) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.SpiConfiguration
Sets the SPI mode for the component.
setName(String) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.DigitalInputConfiguration
Sets the name of the component.
setName(String) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.DigitalOutputConfiguration
Sets the name of the component.
setName(String) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.i2cConfiguration
Sets the name of the component.
setName(String) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.MultiPinConfigs.DigitalInputMultiPinConfiguration
Sets the name of the component.
setName(String) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.MultiPinConfigs.PwmMultiPinConfiguration
Sets the name of the component.
setName(String) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.PwmConfiguration
Sets the name of the component.
setName(String) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.SpiConfiguration
Sets the name of the component.
setProvider(String) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.DigitalInputConfiguration
Sets the provider.
setProvider(String) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.DigitalOutputConfiguration
Sets the provider.
setProvider(String) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.MultiPinConfigs.DigitalInputMultiPinConfiguration
Sets the provider.
setProvider(String) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.MultiPinConfigs.PwmMultiPinConfiguration
Sets the provider.
setProvider(String) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.PwmConfiguration
Sets the provider of the component.
setPull(PullResistance) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.DigitalInputConfiguration
Sets the pull resistance for the component.
setPulls(String) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.MultiPinConfigs.DigitalInputMultiPinConfiguration
Sets all the pull resistance for the components.
setPwmType(String) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.PwmConfiguration
Sets the pwm type.
setPwmTypes(String) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.MultiPinConfigs.PwmMultiPinConfiguration
Sets the PWM types for the component.
setRed(int) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.outputdevices.RGBLEDHelper
Sets the red value of the LED.
setRed(int, int) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.outputdevices.RGBLEDHelper
Sets the red value and frequency of the LED.
setShutdown(int) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.PwmConfiguration
Sets the shutdown state for the component.
setShutdown(DigitalState) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.DigitalOutputConfiguration
Sets the shutdown state for the component.
setShutdowns(String) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.MultiPinConfigs.PwmMultiPinConfiguration
Sets the shutdown states for the component.
setToLow() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices.PhotoResistorHelper
To set the Photo Resistor output to low for each event.
SlideSwitchHelper - Class in com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices
The SlideSwitchHelper class is used to initialize a slide switch.
SlideSwitchHelper(DigitalInput) - Constructor for class com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices.SlideSwitchHelper
SlideSwitchHelper constructor.
SpiConfiguration - Class in com.opensourcewithslu.utilities
This class handles the configuration of an SPI component.
SpiConfiguration(String) - Constructor for class com.opensourcewithslu.utilities.SpiConfiguration
The SpiConfiguration constructor.
startMeasuring() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices.UltraSonicSensorHelper
Begins measuring distance from sensor calling triggerAndMeasureDistance function every 100 milliseconds
stopMeasuring() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices.UltraSonicSensorHelper
Shuts down ultrasonic sensor
switchState() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.outputdevices.LEDHelper
Switches the state of the LED.


TiltSwitchHelper - Class in com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices
Helper class to control a tilt switch using Digital Input.
TiltSwitchHelper(DigitalInput) - Constructor for class com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices.TiltSwitchHelper
TiltSwitchHelper constructor.
toneIterator() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.outputdevices.PassiveBuzzerHelper
freChangeTest cycles through frequencies to verify that frequencies are changing
TouchSwitchHelper - Class in com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices
The TouchSwitchHelper class is used to initialize a touch switch.
TouchSwitchHelper(DigitalInput) - Constructor for class com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices.TouchSwitchHelper
TouchSwitchHelper constructor.
turnOff() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.outputdevices.LCD1602Helper
Turns off LCD Display.


UltraSonicSensorHelper - Class in com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices
The UltraSonicSensorHelper class initializes the Ultra Sonic Sensor and provides component functionality
UltraSonicSensorHelper(DigitalOutput, DigitalInput) - Constructor for class com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices.UltraSonicSensorHelper
Constructs a new UltraSonicSensorHelper instance.
updateDark() - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices.PhotoResistorHelper
Updates the darknessValue of the Photo Resistor.


writeCharacter(char) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.outputdevices.LCD1602Helper
Writes a character to the text displayed.
writeText(String) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.outputdevices.LCD1602Helper
Writes a String to the display.
writeTextAtLine(String, int) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.outputdevices.LCD1602Helper
Writes a String to the defined line.
writeToCard(Object) - Method in class com.opensourcewithslu.inputdevices.RFidHelper
Writes data to an RFID fob.
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