Class LCD1602Helper


public class LCD1602Helper extends Object
This helper class, LCD1602Helper, is for controlling and interacting with an I2C LCD1602 display.
  • Constructor Details

    • LCD1602Helper

      public LCD1602Helper( i2CConfig, com.pi4j.context.Context pi4jContext)
      The LCD1602Helper constructor.
      i2CConfig - Unused parameter.
      pi4jContext - Context used to create LCD display object.
  • Method Details

    • writeText

      public void writeText(String text)
      Writes a String to the display.
      text - String object.
    • writeTextAtLine

      public void writeTextAtLine(String text, int line)
      Writes a String to the defined line.
      text - String object to be displayed.
      line - Line on which the String is written.
    • writeCharacter

      public void writeCharacter(char charvalue)
      Writes a character to the text displayed.
      charvalue - A single character.
    • setBackLight

      public void setBackLight(boolean state)
      Setting the backlight state of the LCD based off the boolean input. If true, then the backlight is set as on.
      state - Boolean input to determine backlight state.
    • clearDisplay

      public void clearDisplay()
      Clears the display of text.
    • clearLine

      public void clearLine(int line)
      Clears the text of the specified line.
      line - The line of which text will be cleared.
    • turnOff

      public void turnOff()
      Turns off LCD Display. Works the same as backlight off, but a write or clear command will turn the display back on.
    • displayTextAtPos

      public void displayTextAtPos(String text, int line, int position)
      Displays text at a specific line and position.
      text - The text to display.
      line - The line number.
      position - The column number to start from.